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Incorporated on January 7, 2010 as a non-profit making organisation, GIPA was established to promote green energy investments, investment ventures and the concept of carbon credit trading among potential partners and interested parties in Hong Kong, China and overseas and develop close network and relationship with various stakeholders and parties interested in the areas. With the growing concern about climate change, the business community and general public have taken green initiatives to improve our environment and reduce carbon emissions. However, the awareness of green investments and carbon credit trading amongst business community is in general low. Sitting right next to China, the world’s largest carbon credit suppliers, Hong Kong has the advantage to play a key role in carbon credit trading in the region.

GIPA aims to promote:
  • green energy investments;
  • sustainable and socially responsible investments;
  • investment ventures that investors are environmentally responsible companies;
  • investment vehicles, like stocks, exchange-traded funds and mutual funds, in the activities with operations aimed at improving the environment;
  • knowledge and know-how exchange in new energy and renewable energy sector;
  • best environmental practices both on individual and corporate level;
  • initiatives that help to improve global environment and to reduce carbon emission;
  • carbon credit trading with potential partners and interested parties in Hong Kong, China and overseas with a view to advancing investment in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects and other Voluntary Emission Reduction (VER) Projects as well as establishing a trading platform for carbon credits in Hong Kong.
To develop close network and relationship with various stakeholders and parties interested in carbon credit trading, CDM/VER project development and green investments in Hong Kong, China and overseas.

To foster communication, interaction and cooperation among Members and to establish liaison with and convey the collective opinions to governmental bodies, non-governmental bodies, industrial and trade organizations in Hong Kong, China and overseas.

To seek support from and representation in Hong Kong, China and overseas in the furtherance of the above objects.

Mission and Objectives of GIPA after 2017

Following the cancellation of Kyoto Agreement, GIPA extend its promotion in investment ventures. On 1 July 2017, witnessed by President Xi Jinping, the National Development and Reform Commission and the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao signed the Framework Agreement on Deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation in the Development of the Greater Bay Area in Hong Kong. The Framework Agreement sets out the goals and principles of cooperation and establishes the key cooperation areas in the development of the Greater Bay Area. Since then, the relevant Central Government departments and the three governments have striven for policy breakthroughs with an innovative and open mind in taking forward the development of the Greater Bay Area jointly.

GIPA begins to expand its business scope to cope with the investment in China especially to promote the investment and environmental and technology growth in Greater Bay Area (GBA) in China.

In line with the China and Hong Kong Government’s efforts to break a new ground in pursuing opening up on all fronts, GIPA further focus to enhance the Greater Bay Area in:
  • Developing an international innovation and technology hub;
  • Expediting infrastructural connectivity;
  • Building a globally competitive modern industrial system;
  • Taking forward ecological conservation;
  • Developing a quality living circle for living, working and travelling;
  • Strengthen cooperation and jointly participating in the Belt and Road Initiative;
  • Jointly developing Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation platforms.
GIPA looks forward to work with relevant Mainland and Hong Kong authorities, with a view to striving for greater convenience for China and Hong Kong people to improve their livelihoods not only by developing the Greater Bay Area into a quality living circle, but also by facilitating China and Hong Kong people's development in the Mainland so that they can seize the opportunities brought about by this key national development strategy.

Management of GIPA

GIPA is formed by a group of professionals well recognized in the market in different areas including finance, legal and green investment technical experts, with over 25 years experience in all these aspects. Thus ensure the quality delivered, credit analysis and professional scrutinization over various examinations on the projects.

Achievements with GIPA

During the past years, GIPA has strengthened a good relationship with different incubation centers in Greater Bay Area including Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Guangzhou, Foshan, and so on. Operated and supervised by a group of professionals, GIPA is well prepared to invest and work together with various incubation centre to grow and support good projects to promote future economic growth in China.

Through our existing networks, the strong management team and the extensive experience in different aspects, GIPA has strong initiatives to promote and bring in opportunities for China and Hong Kong’s environmental and technological growth and development, especially in the Greater Bay Area.

Cooperation opportunities

Notwithstanding GIPA has a strong professional team, we are pleased to cooperate with appropriate partners to further enhance our missions and objectives of GIPA.

GIPA is also prepared to work with the China and Hong Kong Government in the support of China and Hong Kong people’s innovation and entrepreneurship and we hope we could aim high and explore opportunities beyond Hong Kong. The development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will bring about opportunities for the new entrepreneurs in China and Hong Kong.

Further, there has been rapid development of youth entrepreneurial bases in the Greater Bay Area in recent years, providing massive hardware and software support to innovative and entrepreneurial activities. Besides enjoying the concessionary policy initiatives introduced by various municipal governments in the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong young people who have successfully established a foothold can also benefit from the incubation and guidance services offered by the entrepreneurial bases in which they have established. These help reduce entrepreneurial risks.

In view of this, GIPA plays the role of a guide and provide entrepreneurial support and incubation services to China and Hong Kong people who intend to start their business in the Greater Bay Area, including helping them settle in relevant entrepreneurial bases.




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